Grants Library

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation supports vital conservation projects across the United States and its territories. Please search our grants library for additional information on individual grants.

Year Name Organization Location Award Amount
1989 Yellowstone Teachers Workshop-II Wyoming Outdoor Council Northern Rocky Mountains $5,000.00
1989 FWS Refuge Maintenance Deficiency Video Oppix & Hider National $280.00
1989 Trumpeter Swan Habitat Challenge U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Region 1 Idaho, Montana, Wyoming $20,000.00
1989 FWS Nongame Wildlife PSAs U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Region 9 National $50,000.00
1989 Whooping Crane Captive Breeding International Crane Foundation Baraboo, Wisconsin $178,182.00
1989 Florida Panther-Prey Study National Park Service - Big Cypress National Preserve Southern Florida $14,511.00
1989 Roanoke River (NC) Wetlands The Nature Conservancy Eastern North Carolina $100,000.00
1989 Atlantic Coast Fisheries Challenge Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission Atlantic coast $5,000.00
1989 NAWMP 1st Step, Nova Scotia Marsh Nova Scotia Department of Lands & Forest Southwest Nova Scotia, Canada $20,100.00
1989 Cosumnes River (CA) Restoration Ducks Unlimited, Inc. Central Valley, California $100,000.00