Longleaf Landscape Stewardship Fund Grant Announcement Quotes
June 18, 2024
NRCS Quote:
“This historic investment continues to broaden our inclusive engagement with private landowners and conservation partners to tackle shared priorities for longleaf forests and wildlife habitat on an even larger scale,” said NRCS Chief Terry Cosby. “These ecosystems are a vital part of the conservation landscape in the South, and we are looking forward to seeing the impacts of the innovative approaches these projects will use to restore longleaf pine ecosystems and enhance habitat for critical wildlife.”
USFS Quote:
“It takes people, communities and organizations working together to restore longleaf pine – one of the South’s most iconic ecosystems,” said Southern Regional Forester Ken Arney. “America’s Longleaf Restoration Initiative and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation provide a foundation for this important work. I know, working together, we can advance and accelerate longleaf pine restoration as we head into the next phase of this initiative.”
DoD Quote:
“DoD is proud of its longstanding partnership with the NFWF Longleaf Landscape Stewardship Fund and the continued increase in annual conservation impacts to the longleaf pine ecosystem alongside the support of the military’s combat readiness mission,” says Mr. Ron Tickle, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Environmental Management and Restoration. “It is an honor to collaborate with other partners in restoring the ecologically diverse longleaf forests of the Southeast and ensuring the long-term sustainability of our nation’s priceless natural heritage both on military lands and surrounding properties. Restoring the longleaf pine ecosystem helps the military conduct its test and training missions by promoting compatible land uses near military installations, sustaining habitat for vulnerable species, and enhancing the resilience of our forests and communities. For every dollar DoD invests, approximately $18 in matching partner funds will help establish more than 9,000 acres of new longleaf pine, implement prescribed fire on more than 200,000 acres, and enhance an additional 20,000 acres of existing longleaf pine through management treatments. Altogether, five military installations in the Southeast will directly benefit from LLSF projects.”
FWS Quote:
“Our agency is dedicated to conserving important natural areas,” said Mike Oetker, regional director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Southeast Region. “With the Longleaf Stewardship Fund, we work together through public-private partnerships to restore one of America's most endangered natural areas. In these forests, amazing wildlife like turkey, quail, red-cockaded woodpeckers, and gopher tortoises can be found. Healthy forests provide places for wildlife and people to enjoy, recreate, and thrive.”
Bezos Earth Fund Quote:
“People don’t realize there’s a national treasure in our backyard – the longleaf pine forests of the Southeast! These forests rival tropical rainforests for their biodiversity. They provide beautiful places to walk and explore. And they produce some of the most durable wood that’s been used in American homes for centuries,” said Emily Averna, program officer for land restoration, Bezos Earth Fund. “The Bezos Earth Fund is proud to announce its third year of partnership with NFWF to support community groups, landowners, and researchers working to protect and restore these precious forests.”
International Paper Quote:
“As a proud supporter of the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and the Longleaf Landscape Stewardship Fund, we are thrilled to witness the impact of our collective investment in restoring and preserving longleaf pine forests,” said Sophie Beckham, Chief Sustainability Officer, International Paper. “This historic funding level is a testament to what can be achieved when we unite for the greater good of our planet.”
Southern Company Quote:
“Restoring a diverse ecosystem that is deeply connected to the culture and economic growth of the Southeast is vital work,” said Dr. Mark S. Berry, senior vice president of research, environment and sustainability at Southern Company. “It’s exciting to be part of America’s longleaf pine comeback. This work reflects Southern Company’s commitment to the communities we serve.”