Funds Available for Habitat Restoration Projects that Benefit Aquatic Resources in the San Joaquin River Watershed, California


The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF), in collaboration with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Office of Spill Prevention and Response (CDFW/OSPR), announces the availability of funding for habitat restoration projects that benefit aquatic resources in the San Joaquin River Watershed in California.

The funds originate from state natural resource damage settlements as a result of spills or other pollution related settlements in Central Valley, California. 

Funding Available 

Up to $510,000 is available for habitat restoration projects that benefit aquatic resources in the San Joaquin River Watershed in the following counties: Madera and Fresno.

Up to $845,000 is available for habitat restoration projects or environmental protection projects that benefit aquatic resources in the San Joaquin River Watershed in the following counties: Tuolumne, Stanislaus, Merced, Mariposa, Madera, and Fresno. 

Multiple projects may be selected for funding. Funds may be combined if projects meet requirements for both funding sources. Priority will be given to implementation projects that restore or enhance native aquatic communities, including anadromous fish and vulnerable amphibian species.  This may include restoration of riparian or wetland habitat benefiting these and other special status aquatic species. 

Local, state, and federal agencies, local and regional park districts, and other non-governmental organizations are all eligible to apply.

How to Apply

Interested applicants must submit a proposal that includes a narrative description of the project, detailed budget, and relevant maps and photos. If you are interested in submitting a project proposal for funding consideration, please contact Cristina Perez, CDFW/OSPR Project Coordinator, at to receive a project proposal template. Only proposals submitted before 5 p.m. Pacific time on May 1, 2023, will be considered for funding. Projects will be reviewed and evaluated by a CDFW committee. Projects that are selected for funding will be notified in Summer 2023. 

Please submit any questions about the project proposal process to Cristina Perez, CDFW/OSPR Project Coordinator at

Please direct any questions regarding grant contracting to Eliza Braendel, NFWF, Senior Manager, Impact-Directed Environmental Accounts at Eliza.Braendel@NFWF.ORG.