The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation is currently seeking proposals to organize and analyze raven monitoring and management data collected from 2013-2017 in the California range of the desert tortoise.
NFWF has previously sought proposals for research on the interaction between desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizii; tortoises) and common ravens (Corvus corax; ravens) in California deserts at the Joshua Tree National Park and Pinto Mountains CHU; Mojave National Preserve, Piute-Fenner and Ivanpah CHU; Superior-Cronese CHU and Fort Irwin’s southeast conservation area; Chemehuevi CHU; Ord-Rodman CHU; and the Fremont-Kramer CHU (includes portion within Edwards Air Force Base and Desert Tortoise Research Natural Area).
NFWF conducts these requests for proposals in consultation with the Renewable Energy Action Team (REAT; California Department of Fish and Wildlife, California Energy Commission, Bureau of Land Management, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service), to implement a regional raven management plan to reduce predation by ravens on the desert tortoise in California deserts. Funding for implementation of the regional raven management plan is provided to and administered by NFWF as mitigation for impacts to the desert tortoise in the California desert.