Refugio Beach Oil Spill Settlement – South Coast Shoreline Parks and Outdoor Recreation Grants Program
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, together with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, California Department of Parks and Recreation, California State Lands Commission, and Regents of the University of California (collectively the “State Trustees”), established the Refugio Beach Oil Spill Settlement – South Coast Shoreline Parks and Outdoor Recreation Grants Program with funds it received on behalf of the State Trustees from settling defendants pursuant to a consent decree in the matter of the United States of America and People of the State of California ex rel. California Department of Fish and Wildlife et al. v Plains All American Pipeline, L.P. et al. These funds will be used to fund recreationally-based shoreline projects to benefit public access to, and use and enjoyment of, natural and cultural resources downcoast of El Capitan State Beach in Santa Barbara County to Long Beach in Los Angeles County. The projects are intended to compensate the public for loss of use and enjoyment of natural resources, parks, public beaches and other public resources downcoast of El Capitan State Beach in Santa Barbara County to Long Beach in Los Angeles County as a result of the Refugio Beach oil spill. Additional settlement funds are being separately administered by the California Department of Parks and Recreation and the University of California Regents for projects to compensate the public for human use impacts upcoast from, and including El Capitan State Beach, and impacts to research, education and outreach at Coal Oil Point Nature Reserve.
On May 19, 2015, an underground pipeline ruptured near Refugio State Beach in Santa Barbara, California, spilling over 123,000 gallons of crude oil. Much of the oil ran down a ravine under Highway 101 and entered the Pacific Ocean. The incident impacted birds, marine mammals, fish, and other species; closed commercial and non-commercial fisheries; and impacted recreational uses like camping and beach use. The spill also impacted other human use activities, including research, education, and outreach at Coal Oil Point Nature Reserve.
Grants will be awarded to projects such as public access improvements, public recreational facilities upgrades, trails enhancement, public beaches enhancement, and other activities designed to benefit public access to and use and enjoyment of natural and cultural resources downcoast of El Capitan State Beach in Santa Barbara County to Long Beach in Los Angeles County.
Final Damage Assessment and Restoration Plan | Download the PDF |
Senior Manager, IDEA