The Western Joshua Tree Conservation Fund (formerly known as the Western Joshua Tree Mitigation Fund) was established under California state law to receive deposits of fees paid by permittees for their authorized impacts to and/or taking of western Joshua tree (Yucca brevifolia) in lieu of completing their respective mitigation obligations on their own, and deposits of other funding to support the conservation of the species. Monies in the Western Joshua Tree Conservation Fund are for the purposes of acquiring, conserving, and managing lands that are suitable habitat for the western Joshua tree, and completing other activities to address threats to the western Joshua tree. The Western Joshua Tree Conservation Fund is administered by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation for the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) is addressing threats to the western Joshua tree (WJT) by using monies in the Western Joshua Tree Conservation Fund (WJT Fund) for the following purposes:
- Fee title and conservation easement acquisitions and other durable protections of WJT habitat lands to legally protect them; and
- Enhancement, restoration, management, and/or monitoring of both WJT habitat lands that are acquired and protected and such lands that are already legally protected but that would benefit WJT populations by being enhanced, restored, managed and/or monitored.
Assistant Director, IDEA
Senior Manager, IDEA
Manager, IDEA