NFWF Grant Profile

Conservation Program(s):
Long Island Sound Futures Fund
Project Title: Creating a Network of Schoolyard Habitats to Engage Students in Conservation of Long Island Sound (CT) - IV
National Audubon Society, Inc.
Project ID:

Create and expand the network of schoolyard native wildlife habitats in New Haven and Stamford, Connecticut. Project will provide critical bird habitat for migratory songbirds in urban areas using school grounds as outdoor living classrooms to engage students in hands-on conservation and to increase knowledge about and connection to Long Island Sound habitats and wildlife.

Award Amount:
This project takes place in Fairfield and New Haven Counties, focusing on the cities of Stamford and New Haven

Related Documents

Title Document
Creating a Network of Schoolyard Habitats to Engage Students in Conservation of Long Island Sound (CT)-Closure Memo View Now
Creating a Network of Schoolyard Habitats to Engage Students in Conservation of Long Island Sound (CT)-Final Report View Now