Burger King
Burger King supports the Southern Plains Grassland Program, which brings financial and technical resources to assist ranchers in implementing voluntary grassland management practices. Projects will improve the sustainability of the company’s beef supply chain, increase grasslands resilience to a changing climate and benefit wildlife that depend on healthy grassland habitat.

Established in 2022, the partnership between NFWF and Burger King funds projects to assist ranchers and private landowners in implementing voluntary grazing lands management practices. Through this partnership, NFWF and Burger King will invest in ranching communities and work together to improve the health of grazing lands across the southern plains. These improvements will enhance grassland habitat for wildlife and increase carbon sequestration and soil health in grasslands.
The southern plains support millions of acres of grasslands for beef production as well as important habitat for a wide variety of grassland species adapted to this unique ecosystem, including grassland birds, pronghorn, swift fox, prairie chicken and bobwhite quail. Applying proven conservation strategies, this partnership will work with ranchers and livestock producers to implement regenerative agricultural and rangeland management practices. Such practices may include efforts to manage the timing and intensity of grazing, improve fencing solutions, and control invasive species.