Energy Transfer
Energy Transfer supports the Longleaf Landscape Stewardship Fund conservation program, which expands, enhances and accelerates long leaf pine ecosystem restoration across longleaf pine’s historical range throughout the southern United States.

Energy Transfer and NFWF began working together to help bolster longleaf restoration efforts in East Texas and Louisiana through the Longleaf Landscape Stewardship Fund in 2024. Strategies supported through these efforts include longleaf tree and native understory plantings, thinning over-crowded longleaf pine stands, removing invasive species which threaten native plants, and the use of low-intensity prescribed burns to prevent competing hardwood and shrub species from overtaking longleaf seedlings. These actions allow sunlight to reach the forest floor, triggering herbaceous understory plant growth that provides nesting cover and forage for a broad array of wildlife species. Collectively, these strategies will accelerate longleaf ecosystem restoration, increase biodiversity, and help engage more private landowners in longleaf pine restoration efforts.

Longleaf Landscape Stewardship Fund
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation’s Longleaf Landscape Stewardship Fund expands, enhances and accelerates longleaf pine ecosystem restoration across longleaf pine’s historical range throughout the southeastern United States.
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