Southern Company
Southern Company supports conservation programs primarily across the southeastern United States, but also beyond in support of at-risk species recovery and both landscape-scale and community-based stewardship efforts.

Southern Company and NFWF began working together to support conservation of species and ecosystems across the Southeast as far back as 2003. Now, over 19 years, the partnership has evolved into one of the premier examples of public-private partnerships helping to support critical wildlife needs across landscapes throughout the United States. The partnership has been central to some of NFWF’s most significant recent accomplishments, including restoring more than 1.9 million acres of longleaf under the Longleaf Stewardship Fund and building new community stewardship capacity through the Five Star and Urban Waters Restoration Grant Program.
Today, this conservation partnership also supports NFWF’s efforts focused on freshwater habitat restoration in priority watersheds through the Southeast Aquatics Fund, important research and management to protect bat populations through the Bats for the Future Fund and shorebird conservation along the Atlantic Flyway through the Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative.