Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies
Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies supports the Northern Great Plains Program, which directly maintains or improves 1 million acres of interconnected, native grasslands in focal areas within the Northern Great Plains to sustain healthy populations of grassland-obligate species while fostering sustainable livelihoods and preserving cultural identities.

Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies and NFWF began working together in 2013 to directly maintain or improve 1 million acres of interconnected, native grasslands in focal areas within the Northern Great Plains. The shared goals include the desire to sustain healthy populations of grassland-obligate species while fostering sustainable livelihoods and preserving cultural identities through the region. To date, the program has enhanced management on over 1 million acres, protected over 600,000 acres through perpetual conservation easements and restored over 50,000 acres.
This conservation partnership supports NFWF’s efforts to catalyze the ground actions and support organizations that are working to improve the management of existing grasslands, permanently conserve large tracts within focal areas, and restore strategic parcels that have been previously converted or are working on priority species management issues.

Northern Great Plains Program
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation’s Northern Great Plains Program is designed to conserve mixed grass prairie and associated wildlife populations of the northern prairie.
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