Walton Family Foundation
The Walton Family Foundation supports NFWF's Fisheries Innovation Fund and projects in the Upper Mississippi Watershed.

The Walton Family Foundation promotes environmental solutions that make economic sense for communities and their natural resources. The Foundation works to achieve change that lasts by creating new and unexpected partnerships and bringing conservation, business and community interests to the same table to build long-term solutions to big problems.
The foundation divides its environmental giving to NFWF through:
- Freshwater Conservation, which works to sustain healthy and resilient communities of both people and wildlife in the Colorado River basin and along the Mississippi River from its headwaters to the Delta
- Marine Conservation, which supports initiatives that create economic incentives for sustainable resource management in some of the world’s most ecologically rich ocean areas, from Indonesia to Ecuador to the Gulf.
- Western Water Program, which supports strategic convenings of federal, state, and NGO partners to engage them in western water restoration.