Request for Quotation: Deepwater Horizon Oceanic Fish Restoration Project 2022 Repose
Thank you for your interest in helping to restore pelagic fish in the Gulf of Mexico.
After five successful project years, NFWF and NOAA are excited to announce the 2022 project. Participating vessel owners in the Gulf of Mexico will refrain from pelagic longline fishing during the temporary, voluntary six-month repose period (January 1 through June 30, 2022). During the repose, participants will be encouraged to fish for BAYS (bigeye, albacore, yellowfin, and skipjack) tuna and swordfish using alternative gear (greenstick, buoy gear, and deep drop rod and reel gear) provided as part of the project.
Eligible pelagic longline vessel owners and/or permit holders will receive a 2022 Repose Package via mail, including a Request for Quotation form. All the resources in the package can also be found on the right side of this webpage in both English and Vietnamese. If you did not receive a package but are interested in participating in the project, please contact Gray Redding at NFWF (
To participate in the project, interested vessel owners must mail the completed Request for Quotation form to NFWF to arrive by October 19, 2021. Offerors will be notified about whether they have been selected to participate in the 2022 repose in November 2021.
We look forward to welcoming new and returning participants for the 2022 project year.