Following consultation with state and federal resource agencies, NFWF has awarded over $2.3 billion in funding from the Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund since 2013. The projects listed below are designed to protect, restore and enhance natural and living resources across the Gulf Coast.
Want to learn more? View stories, videos and press releases about the projects awarded grants.
The number of awards from the Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund in the state of Alabama now stands at 47, with a total current value of $356 million.
Dauphin Island East End Beach and Dune Restoration
Lower Fish River Watershed Restoration
Wolf Creek Headwaters Restoration
Alabama Coastal Adaptive Management (2022)
Deer River Shoreline Stabilization
Fowl River Watershed Restoration: Coastal Spits and Wetlands Project
Restoration of the North Side of Dauphin Island
Dauphin Island Beach Nourishment Engineering & Design (2021)
Bon Secour River Headwater Restoration
Dauphin Island Causeway Shoreline Restoration
Lower Halls Mill Creek Protection (2019)
Blackwater River South Tract Acquisition (2019)
Enhanced Fisheries Monitoring in Alabama’s Marine Waters
Phase I (2014)
Phase II (2015)
Phase III (2016)
Phase IV (2018)
Alabama Artificial Reef and Habitat Enhancement
Lightning Point Acquisition and Restoration Project
Bon Secour National Wildlife Refuge Acquisitions
Little Dauphin Island Restoration Assessment (2017)
Dauphin Island Bird Habitat Acquisition and Enhancement Program (2017)
Mobile County Conservation Acquisition and Salt Aire Shoreline Restoration
Mobile Bay Shore Habitat Conservation and Acquisition Initiative
Gulf Highlands Conservation Acquisition (2016)
Dauphin Island Conservation Acquisition (2016)
Bon Secour – Oyster Bay Wetland Acquisition Project (2016)
Alabama Coastal Bird Stewardship Program (2016)
Coastal Habitat Restoration Planning Initiative (2014)
Alabama Marine Mammal Conservation and Recovery Program (2014)
Alabama Barrier Island Restoration Assessment (2014)
Restoration and Enhancement of Oyster Reefs in Alabama (2013)
The number of awards from the Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund in the state of Florida now stands at 46, with a total current value of nearly $309 million.
Restoring Florida’s Shorebird and Seabird Populations
Apalachicola River Ecosystem Land Acquisition & Management (2021)
Pensacola Bay Living Shoreline Project – White Island Habitat Restoration (2021)
Ladson Tract Conservation Easement (2020)
Marine Mammal Pathobiology Laboratory (2020)
Franklin County Living Shoreline (2020)
Panhandle Dune Restoration (2019)
Apalachicola Bay Oyster Restoration
MK Ranch Hydrologic Restoration (2019)
Apalachicola River Slough Restoration
St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge Saltmarsh Restoration
Wulfert Bayous Bird Nesting Habitat Restoration (2019)
Lake Wimico Acquisition and Management (2018)
Pensacola East Bay Oyster Habitat Restoration
Restoration of Florida’s Coastal Dune Lakes
Eliminating Light Pollution at Sea Turtle Nesting Beaches
Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge Acquisitions (2018)
Long Term Sea Turtle Predation Management (2018)
Southwest Florida Wading Bird Nesting Island Enhancement (2018)
Assessment for Recovery of Gulf Coast Fisheries
Phase I (2013)
Phase II (2014)
Phase III (2015)
Phase IV (2016)
Phase V (2017)
Recovery and Resilience of Oyster Reefs in the Big Bend of Florida (2016)
Enhancement of Sea Turtle Stranding Response Capacity in Florida (2016)
Increased Capacity for Marine Mammal Response and Analysis (2015)
Florida Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund Restoration Strategy (2015)
Oyster Reef Habitat Restoration in Saint Andrew Bay (2014)
Florida Shorebird Conservation Initiative (2014)
Destin Harbor, Joe’s Bayou and Indian Bayou Water Quality Improvement (2014)
Boggy Bayou Watershed Water Quality Improvement (2014)
Benthic Habitat Mapping, Characterization and Assessment (2014)
Bayou Chico Restoration (2014)
Restoration and Management of Escribano Point Coastal Habitat
Government Street Regional Stormwater Pond at Corrine Jones Park (2013)
The number of awards from the Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund in the state of Louisiana now stands at 14, with a total current value of over $1.27 billion.
Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion: Construction (2023)
Terrebonne Basin Barrier Island and Beach Nourishment Construction (2018)
Mississippi River Mid-Basin Sediment Diversion Program Management (2016)
Mid-Breton Sediment Diversion: Engineering and Design (2016)
Adaptive Management: Louisiana River Diversions and Barrier Islands
Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion: Engineering and Design
Increase Atchafalaya Flow to Terrebonne: Planning, Engineering and Design
Caminada Beach and Dune Increment Engineering, Design and Construction
Lower Mississippi River Sediment Diversions: Planning (2013)
The number of awards from the Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund in the state of Mississippi now stands at 35, with a total current value of more than $211 million.
Grand Batture Habitat Restoration - Phase I (2024 - new)
Wolf River Headwaters Acquisition (2022)
Habitat Restoration: Federal Lands Program
West Hancock County Nearshore Habitat Restoration – Engineering & Design (2021)
Point Cadet Nearshore Habitat Restoration – Engineering & Design (2021)
Bellefontaine Nearshore Habitat Restoration – Engineering & Design (2021)
Artificial Reef and Habitat Enhancement
Inshore Artificial Reef Assessment and Petit Bois Reef Planning – Phase I (2021)
Migratory Bird Habitat Creation in the Lower Mississippi River Valley (2020)
Reef Fish Assessment for Mississippi Coastal and Nearshore Gulf Waters
Phase I (2014)
Phase II (2017)
Phases III and IV (2 projects, 2019)
Oyster Restoration and Management
Enhancement of St. Louis Bay Oyster Reef (2019)
Invasive Species Management on Coastal State Land
Mississippi Offshore Artificial Reef and Habitat Enhancement (2019)
Pascagoula River Corridor Acquisitions (2017)
Coastal Headwaters Protection Due Diligence (2017)
Utilization of Dredge Material for Marsh Restoration in Coastal Mississippi
Mississippi Coastal Restoration Plan
Mississippi Coastal Bird Stewardship Program
Acquisitions of Priority Tracts for Coastal Habitat Connectivity – Phase I (2016)
Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Conservation, Recovery, and Monitoring (2016)
Habitat Restoration and Conservation in Turkey Creek (2015)
Design Challenge for Improvement of Water Quality from Beach Outfalls (2015)
The number of awards from the Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund in the state of Texas now stands at 60, with a total value of $203.5 million.
Hydrological Restoration of Brazoria National Wildlife Refuge Wetlands
Powderhorn Lake and Matagorda Bay Shoreline Conservation - Phase I (2020)
Carancahua Bay Habitat Preservation and Enhancement
Bahia Grande Habitat Restoration
Adaptive Management for the Texas Coast (2020)
Swan Lake Marsh Restoration (2019)
Chocolate Bay Wetland Habitat Acquisition (2019)
Matagorda Peninsula Acquisition (2019)
Mad Island Marsh Shoreline Protection (2019)
Enhancement of Buffalo Lake Marsh Complex (2019)
Mission River Land Acquisition (2019)
Nueces Delta Shoreline Erosion Protection (2019)
Dollar Bay-Moses Lake Shoreline Enhancement and Restoration
East Matagorda Bay Land Conservation (2018)
Greens Lake Protection and Marsh Restoration
South Padre Island Land Acquisitions
Port Aransas Nature Preserve Debris Removal (2018)
Bahia Grande Coastal Corridor Acquisitions
Salt Bayou Beach Ridge Restoration
Galveston Island State Park Marsh Restoration & Protection
Follets Island land Acquisition and Conservation Program
Restoring Colonial Waterbirds on the Texas Coast (2017)
Beach-nesting and Wintering Bird Protection and Habitat Stewardship (2017)
Restoration of JD Murphree WMA Water Management Infrastructure (2017)
Repair ARK Wildlife Rescue Facility (2017)
Sabine Ranch Acquisition (2017)
Hydrologic Restoration of the Salt Bayou Watershed (2016)
Smith Oaks Bird Sanctuary Rookery Island Restoration and Enhancement (2016)
Mad Island Marsh Preserve Shoreline Protection and Coastal Ecosystem Restoration (2016)
Matagorda Wetlands Acquisition and Conservation (2016)
Dagger Island Restoration Project (2016)
Galveston Bay Sustainable Oyster Reef Restoration (2015)
Candy Abshier Wildlife Management Area Shoreline Protection and Marsh Restoration (2015)
Falcon Point Ranch Conservation Easement Acquisition (2015)
Matagorda Bay Rookery Island, Feasibility Study and Alternatives Analysis (2015)
Cow Trap Lake Bird Nesting Island Improvements (2015)
Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge Coastal Marsh Acquisition (2014)
Coastal Heritage Preserve Initiative: Bayside Acquisition and Easement (2014)
Virginia Point Shoreline Protection and Estuarine Restoration (2014)
Oyster Lake Shoreline Protection and Restoration (2014)
Egery Flats Marsh Restoration (2014)
Nueces Bay Rookery Islands Restoration (2014)
Powderhorn Ranch Land Acquisition (2014)
Sea Rim State Park Coastal Dune Restoration (2013)
West Galveston Bay Conservation Corridor Habitat Preservation (2013)