Saving sea turtles, by land and sea
If baby sea turtles knew the dangers that awaited them on their journey to adulthood, they might not ever leave their s
Clearing the way for the return of eels
Those who dismiss American eels as slimy muck-dwellers are missing out on one of North America’s most fascinating wildl
Restoring habitat along a raptor flyway
Peregrine falcons, sharp-shinned hawks, golden eagles and a host of other raptors migrate south every fall from the for
Protecting parrotfish, from ridges to reefs
How is it that the Hawaiian Islands, with their dark volcanic soils and black lava rock formations, are famous the worl
Managing lands for Western wildlife
Wolverines will devour just about anything they run across, from berries and seeds to bird eggs, ground squirrels, marm
Boosting resilience along our coasts
NFWF’s science-based, competitive grant-making process ensures that our partners’ conservation investments support proj
Helping forests heal and deal with flames
There was a time when North America’s great forests required no help from us.
Opportunities abound in agricultural sector
Farmers and ranchers wield enormous influence over conservation efforts across nearly 1 billion acres in the Unite
Protecting pathways for migrating wildlife
Just about every patch of natural habitat in the United States supports wildlife migration of one kind or another,