The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation will review your project's budget and your organization's financial documents. If we determine that changes need to be made to the full proposal, you will receive an email (from which will direct you with regard to next steps.Image
Requesting an Amendment
As detailed in section 1.2 of your grant agreement, you may need to request an amendment during your project. If you think you need an amendment, contact your Grants Administrator. Your Grants Administrator may also contact you if, based on your reporting, they think you may need an amendment. The most common kinds of amendments are extension requests, change of scope requests, and changes to the budget.Image
Requesting Payment
When you are ready to begin invoicing NFWF for funds, complete a payment request form and submit it through Easygrants following the instructions below. If you want to submit a payment request for a project for which you are not the primary contact, please contact your Grant Administrator.Image
Viewing a Grant
Once the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation has fully executed the agreement, the grantee may view details about the funded project (such as the award amount, reporting due dates and documents submitted for the project) in Easygrants.Image
IDEA Services
Under its Establishment Act, NFWF is authorized by Congress, among other things, “to receive and administer restitution and community service payments, amounts for mitigation of impacts to natural resources, and other amounts arising from legal, regulatory, or administrative proceedings, subject to the condition that the amounts are received or administered for purposes that further the conservation and management of fish, wildlife, plants, and other natural resources.” (16 U.S.C. §3703(c)(1)(K).)
Funds from Enforcement Actions
Enforcement actions brought by governmental authorities for violations of environmental or other natural resource laws are often settled on terms that require defendants to make community service or restitution payments. In turn, these types of payments are generally required to be applied in a manner that provides some redress for the underlying violations.Image
Mitigating Impacts
Impact-Directed Environmental Accounts ("IDEA")
NFWF's IDEA department serves as a manager and trustee for funds arising from legal and regula