NFWF Announces More Than $16 Million Awarded to Restoration Projects in Mississippi
RFP Submission
Farmers for Soil Health 2023 Request for Proposals
Farmers for Soil Health: General Applicant Webinar [View Recording]: Tues
Alabama Project Highlights
View an interactive storymap highlighting conservation outcomes from GEBF investments in Alabama.
Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund Completes $356 Million in Funding Obligations to Alabama
WASHINGTON, D.C. (November 15, 2022) -- The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) today announced its final funding obligations from
Press Releases
Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund Completes $356 Million in Funding Obligations to Alabama
Colorado and Utah Lands with Wilderness Characteristics and Greater Sage-Grouse Funds
The Colorado and Utah Greater Sage-Grouse Funds will support projects such as fee title and conservation easement acquisitions, sagebrush restoration and habitat improvement, and juniper / conifer removal. The Colorado and Utah Lands with Wilderness Characteristics Funds will support projects such as restoration, reclamation, and enhancement of certain lands; fee title and conservation easement acquisitions; and public outreach, education, and interpretation. Funding awards will be made by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (“NFWF”) to selected applicants for implementation of mitigation projects that best satisfy the evaluation criteria, as verified and approved by the United States Bureau of Land Management (“BLM”).Image
NFWF Awards $1.7 Million in New Conservation Grants to Benefit Wildlife and Improve Access to Greenspace in the Chicago-Calumet Region
CHICAGO (November 16, 2022) – Chi-Cal Rivers Fund partners today announced si
Press Releases
NFWF Awards $1.7 Million in New Conservation Grants to Benefit Wildlife and Improve Access to Greenspace in the Chicago-Calumet Region
Corporate Partners
Scotts Miracle-Gro Foundation
The Scotts Miracle-Gro Foundation is partnering with NFWF, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and others to support work under the Monarch Butterfly and Pollinators Conservation Fund.Image