Russian River Coho
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation's Russian River Coho Program worked to restore coho in the Russian River by changing traditional water management practices on a watershed scale, including modifications in how and when water was acquired and dispersed for human use.Image
Sacramento District California In-Lieu Fee Program
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation’s Sacramento District California In-Lieu Fee Program provides a mitigation option that can be used by permittees to compensate for authorized impacts to aquatic resources. The Program covers the geographic area under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District within the State of California (Program Area).Image
Sagebrush Landscapes Program
The Sagebrush Landscapes Program was created in 2017 to address bottlenecks in sagebrush conservation and promote healthy rural agricultural economies in the western United States. The program is a partnership between the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Bureau of Land Management, the U.S. Forest Service and NFWF.Image
Sagebrush Shrub-Steppe Mitigation
The Sagebrush Shrub-Steppe Mitigation program is seeking proposals to create permanent, in-kind replacement of 50-acres of mature sagebrush shrub-steppe habitat in Benton and/or Franklin County, Washington.Image
Sea Turtles
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation’s Sea Turtles Program is guided by a 10-year strategy to guide conservation investments that will measurably improve the current recovery trajectory of seven sea turtle populations in the Western Hemisphere.Image
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation’s Seabirds Program enhances the viability of seabird populations by increasing their survival and reproduction to levels that will allow for long-term sustainability. The program currently focuses on the Pacific, one of the most globally significant regions for threatened seabirds.Image
Short Grass Prairie
NFWF's Short Grass Prairie Conservation Program supports habitat restoration and other conservation actions for the Lesser Prairie-Chicken, an “umbrella” species for numerous other grassland birds.Image
Short Grass Prairie Stewardship Fund
NFWF's Short Grass Prairie Stewardship Fund supports conservation activities that help establish viable populations of imperiled grassland birds through habitat restoration, enhancement and protection.Image
Sierra Nevada Meadow Restoration
NFWF's Sierra Nevada Meadow Restoration Conservation Program replenishes the health and biodiversity of mountain meadow regions.
Sky Island Grasslands
NFWF’s Sky Islands Grasslands Conservation Program works to restore high quality grasslands, ecosystem functioning, and self-sustaining populations of native species in the Southwest.Image