The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation works with both the public and private sectors to protect and restore the nation's fish, wildlife, plants and habitats for current and future generations. NFWF matches private dollars with public funds and uses science-based conservation and competitive grant programs to direct those resources to projects that produce the greatest measurable results for wildlife.
Media Center
Welcome to the NFWF Media Center. Here you will find links to our press releases, latest announcements, feature stories, videos and recent publications. For media inquiries, please contact Rob Blumenthal at For other communications related questions, please contact and we will respond promptly.
Business Plans
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation business plans present clear strategies for our conservation programs. They outline the resources necessary to meet our conservation goals and create accountability by defining measurable outcomes. Our staff and partners use these business plans to make the most informed and important conservation investments.
Grants Library
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation supports vital conservation projects across the United States and its territories. Please search our grants library for additional information on individual grants.
Recycle With Fishing for Energy
Below are instructions on how to add your name to a list of recycling or energy-to-waste facilities for grantees to collaborate with.
Hawaiian Forest Birds
The Hawaiian Forest Bird Program focused on strategic investments to secure populations of three species—palila, Maui parrotbill and Nihoa millerbird, with an ancillary goal of applying lessons learned through focused recovery of these species to additional threatened Hawaiian forest bird species. In 2009, NFWF and partners developed the Hawaiian Forest Bird business plan for the conservation of Hawaiian forest birds to mitigate pervasive threats over a 10-year period.Image
RFP Submission
Hurricane Response Marine Debris Removal Fund Request for Proposals
Full Proposal Due Date: Wednesday, January 15, 2020 by 11:59 p.m. ET
RFP Submission
Klamath River Coho Habitat Restoration Program 2019-2020 Request for Proposals
Pre-Proposal Due Date: December 12, 2019 by 8:59 PM Pacific Time
Los Padres National Forest
The Los Padres National Forest (LPNF) spans nearly two million acres in the Coast and Transverse Mountain Ranges of central and southern California.
Angeles National Forest
The Angeles National Forest serves as the picturesque backdrop for one of the country’s largest urban centers, providing approximately 700,000 acres of open