Indirect Cost Calculator
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation is providing the Indirect Cost Calculator tool to assist applicants with calculating the allowable amount of indirect costs that can be included in proposal budgets, as applicable. Use of the tool is entirely optional. The version and contents of the tool will be updated periodically.Image
Partners for New Hampshire’s Fish and Wildlife
Partners for New Hampshire’s Fish and Wildlife is a partnership between Eversource and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation dedicated to restoring and sustaining healthy forests and rivers in New Hampshire. Eversource, through its subsidiary Northern Pass Transmission LLC, has committed $3 million to the partnership. NFWF has committed an additional $1.5 million. These funds may be further leveraged by other public and private sources that are anticipated to flow to the program.Image
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RFP Submission
Request for Quotations: Contract to Develop Conservation Articles for 4th Grade Students
DEADLINE EXTENDED: Proposals must be submitted by 11:59 PM Eastern on February 2, 2
Press Releases
NFWF and USDA Forest Service Announce $7 Million in Grants to Restore National Forests Impacted by Historic Wildfires
Press Releases
NFWF and USDA Forest Service Award $1.1 Million in Grants from Pacific Southwest Fuels Management Partnership
Press Releases
NFWF Announces $3.9 Million in Grants to Support Electronic Technologies in U.S. Fisheries
In Light of Comments from NFWF, WRID Advisory Council Discusses Water Leasing Program
Released: June 15, 2012