$2.2 Million in Conservation Grants Announced by Five Star and Urban Waters Restoration Program
WASHINGTON (July 26, 2016) – The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) today announced at the Urban Waters N
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Coalition aims to reduce nitrogen in Lake Springfield
Partners for New Hampshire’s Fish and Wildlife Announce Eight Grants to Restore Forests and Rivers in New Hampshire
Durham, NH (Aug 2, 2016) – The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) today announced eight grants totaling n
NFWF Announces $3 Million in Grants from Monarch Butterfly Conservation Fund
Hurricane Sandy Monitoring and Evaluation
Between 2013 and 2016, the Hurricane Sandy Program, administered through both the Department of Interior (DOI) and NFWF, invested more than $302 million to support 160 projects designed to improve the resilience of ecosystems and communities to coastal storms and sea level rise. DOI and NFWF commissioned Abt Associates to conduct an initial external evaluation of the 160 projects. The evaluation includes a main report as well as six in-depth case studies, each of which is focused on understanding the impacts and effectiveness of projects within a specific activity category.
NFWF in the News
2019 Regional Ag Forum in Shenandoah Valley
NFWF in the News