Federal & State Partners
USDA Forest Service
The U.S. Forest Service (USFS) works with NFWF to restore forest ecosystems across the United States.Image
Federal & State Partners
Bureau of Land Management
The Bureau of Land Management supports conservation efforts that benefit public land ecosystems.Image
Federal & State Partners
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
The U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) works with NFWF and public and private partners to restore wildlife and habitats.Image
Federal & State Partners
Marine Mammal Commission
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) and the Marine Mammal Commission (MMC) have an ongoing partnership that began in 2007.Image
Foundation Partners
Walton Family Foundation
The Walton Family Foundation supports NFWF's Fisheries Innovation Fund and projects in the Upper Mississippi Watershed.Image
Foundation Partners
William Penn Foundation
The William Penn Foundation funds the restoration of water quality and aquatic habitats of the Delaware River and its tributaries.Image
Foundation Partners
The Richard King Mellon Foundation
The Richard King Mellon Foundation supports NFWF’s conservation efforts through the Central Appalachia Habitat Stewardship Program, which works to improve the quality and connectivity of forest and freshwater habitat, and increase the distribution and abundance of native fish, birds and other wildlife.Image
Corporate Partners
Radius Recycling
Radius Recycling supports the Fishing for Energy conservation program, which has prevented over 4 million pounds of fishing gear from potentially entering U.S. coasts and waterways since 2008.Image
State and Local
State of Oregon
State and Local
Northwest Power and Conservation Council
The Northwest Power and Conservation Council develops and maintains a regional power plan and a fish and wildlife program for the Pacific Northwest.Image