Requesting an Amendment
How to request an amendment in Easygrants
As detailed in section 1.2 of your grant agreement, you may need to request an amendment during your project. If you think you need an amendment, contact your Grants Administrator. Your Grants Administrator may also contact you if, based on your reporting, they think you may need an amendment. The most common kinds of amendments are extension requests, change of scope requests, and changes to the budget.
Extension amendments are sometimes needed to ensure all project work is completed and all funds expended within the Period of Performance. Scope budgets are appropriate when the nature of the project work changes. Budget amendments are required if you need to move more than 10 percent of the total NFWF award amount between budget categories, for certain new expenses such as an equipment purchase or a real estate acquisition, or for a change in Indirect rate
Instructions for requesting an amendment are as follows:
- An official contact for your grant will call or email your Grants Administrator to discuss the amendment.
Your Grants Administrator will create the appropriate amendment task based on the prospective changes to the grant agreement. The three types of amendment tasks are as follows.
Amendment Request: This task is used if you are requesting an Extension, Scope Change, and/or Matching Contribution amendment but are making no changes to the budget.
Amendment Request – No Cost: This task is used if you are requesting an Extension, Scope Change, and/or Matching Contribution amendment and are making changes to the budget but are not requesting an increase in the award.
Amendment Request – Increase: This task is used if you are requesting an Extension, Scope Change, and/or Matching Contribution amendment and you are requesting an increase in the award.
You will log into Easygrants and find the amendment task on your homepage and click on the blue link that is the title of the task, then complete the following sections.
On the Amendment Type page, indicate the type(s) of amendment that you would like to request:
Extension: If you would like to request an extension for your project end date, enter a proposed new end date and an explanation.
Scope Change: If you would like to request a Scope Change, enter an explanation of the new scope.
Matching Contributions: If you would like to request a change to your matching contributions requirement enter the proposed new Federal and Non-federal match requirements and an explanation.
Budget Change: If you and your Grants Administrator decide that a Budget amendment is appropriate, this page will be included in your amendment task. Budget amendments are required if you need to move more than 10 percent of the total NFWF award amount between budget categories, for certain new expenses such as an equipment purchase or a real estate acquisition, or for a change in Indirect rate.
On the Matching Contributions page, review your sources of matching contributions for accuracy and update the Status for each source as applicable.
On the Uploads page, include any backup documentation requested by NFWF.
On the Certification page, check the box to certify your submission.
On the Review and Submit page, you can generate a PDF summary of your amendment request to check your work. When your request is ready, send it to NFWF by clicking the Submit button.
Once you have hit "Submit", we will be prompted to review the request. If the amendment is approved, you will receive an email from Easygrants@nfwf.org. If you have requested an extension to the end date of the project, you will be notified of new reporting due dates.
Contact your Grants Administrator with any questions.