Grants Library

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation supports vital conservation projects across the United States and its territories. Please search our grants library for additional information on individual grants.

Year Name Organization Location Award Amount
2019 Habitat Restoration and Public Engagement in Eliza Howell Park, Detroit, MI Brightmoor Alliance Eliza Howell Park, Detroit in Wayne County, Southeast Michigan $300,000.00
2019 Increasing Biodiversity and Landscape Connectivity in the Oaks Opening Region of Southeast Michigan The Nature Conservancy Oak Openings habitats at 5 public use areas in Monroe and Wayne counties, Southeast Michigan including Oakwoods Metropark, West Prairie, Crosswinds Marsh, Ansted Park, and Tomahawk Archers. $192,374.06
2019 Enhancing Public Space by Expanding Green Stormwater Infrastructure in Detroit (MI) Southwest Detroit Environmental Vision Cadillac Urban Gardens in Southwest Detroit, Southeast Michigan $300,000.00