Grants Library

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation supports vital conservation projects across the United States and its territories. Please search our grants library for additional information on individual grants.

Year Name Organization Location Award Amount
1999 Uinta (UT) Watershed Weed Control-II USDA-Forest Service - Uinta National Forest Utah and Sanpete Counties, central Utah $15,000.00
1999 Arlecho Creek (WA) Forest Conservation Northwest Indian College Foundation Northwestern Washington $200,000.00
1999 DNA Analysis of Mollusk Species (OR) Bureau of Land Management Southwestern Oregon $16,100.00
1999 Moses Coulee Riparian Restoration The Nature Conservancy Eastern Washington $30,250.00
1999 Migratory Bird Liaison-III Megan Hill, Contractor Guatemala, Western Hemisphere (regional) $96,000.00
1999 Jarbidge Elk Herd Habitat (NV) Bureau of Land Management Northeastern Nevada $25,000.00
1999 St. Mary's River Restoration USDA-Forest Service, George Washington National Forest Augusta County, southwestern Virginia $45,485.00
1999 Los Penasquitos Riparian Restoration City of San Diego San Diego, southern California $12,100.00
1999 Tiger Information Center-IV Minnesota Zoo Foundation Apple Valley, Minnesota $50,000.00
1999 Upper Mississippi Membership Development Support Friends of the Upper Mississippi River Refuges Upper Mississippi River Basin $3,600.00