Grants Library

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation supports vital conservation projects across the United States and its territories. Please search our grants library for additional information on individual grants.

Year Name Organization Location Award Amount
1999 Russian River Tributary Restoration-II Regents of the University of California Northern California $46,653.56
1999 Thousand Friends of Frogs Expansion Hamline University - Center for Global EE Nationwide $20,000.00
1999 American Chestnut Conservation in Pennsylvania American Chestnut Foundation Statewide in Pennsylvania $60,000.00
1999 Sevilleta NWR (NM) Weed Control U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service South-central New Mexico $10,000.00
1999 Bahamas Sea Turtle Conservation-II Archie Carr Center for Sea Turtle Research Bahamas Archipelago $10,000.00
1999 Mills Canyon (NM) Upland Plant Management USDA-Forest Service, Cibola National Forest Northcentral New Mexico $41,778.09
1999 Virgin River (NV) Plants and Pollinators U.S. Geological Survey Southern Nevada $14,880.00
1999 Acoustic Communications of the Right Whale Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Gulf of Maine $25,000.00
1999 Point Pelee Forest Diorama in Canada Friends of Point Pelee Southwestern Ontario, Canada $25,000.00
1999 American River Watershed Strategy Placer County Resource Conservation District Placer County, California $220,750.00