Grants Library

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation supports vital conservation projects across the United States and its territories. Please search our grants library for additional information on individual grants.

Year Name Organization Location Award Amount
1999 Lee County (FL) Law Enforcement Equipment Lee County Lee County, Florida $18,568.00
1999 Global Ecotox Program Whale Conservation Institute World-wide, Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean $75,000.00
1999 Kentucky River Palisades Restoration The Nature Conservancy Kentucky River Palisades, northern Kentucky $42,492.00
1999 Michoacan Monitoring Workshops-II Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas Hidalgo Michoacan, Mexico $26,500.00
1999 Tonto National Forest (AZ) Weed Control USDA-Forest Service - Tonto National Forest Central Arizona $25,300.00
1999 Form. Cottonwood Creek Watershed Group Anderson-Cottonwood Irrigation District Shasta and Tehama Counties, California $161,000.00
1999 Expanding Refuge Support Groups-III National Wildlife Refuge Association Nationwide $20,000.00
1999 Rains Dam (NC) Removal U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Neuse River basin, eastern North Carolina $50,000.00
1999 Oxbow NWR (MA) Friends Group Start-Up Friends of the Oxbow National Wildlife Refuge Oxbow National Wildlife Refuge, northern Massachusetts $3,800.00
1999 Clark County (ID) Weed Control-III Clark County Weed Control Advisory Board Clark and Jefferson Counties, eastern Idaho $25,000.00