Grants Library

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation supports vital conservation projects across the United States and its territories. Please search our grants library for additional information on individual grants.

Year Name Organization Location Award Amount
1998 Weir Pond (CT) Watershed Weed Control National Park Service Southwestern Connecticut $1,237.35
1998 French Creek (NY) Watershed Restoration The Nature Conservancy French Creek Watershed, southwestern New York $23,775.00
1998 Lincoln (NM) Habitat Improvement-II USDA-Forest Service, Lincoln National Forest Lincoln National Forest, southern New Mexico $13,850.00
1998 Workshop on Enforcing Trade Controls TRAFFIC Europe Vladivostok, Russian Far East, Russia $70,000.00
1998 Wildlife Population Monitoring Using DNA Glacier Natural History Association Glacier National Park, northwestern Montana $15,000.00
1998 Black-Footed Ferret Enhancement-III U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Rangelands in the western United States $40,000.00
1998 Lassen County (CA) Weed Management-II Bureau of Land Management Lassen County, northern California $6,999.74
1998 Green River Wetlands (WY) Bureau of Land Management Western Wyoming $15,000.00
1998 Estes Valley (CO) Weed Management Area National Park Service Central Colorado $15,750.00
1998 Francis Marion (SC) Turkey Protection USDA-Forest Service, Francis Marion and Sumter NF Coastal South Carolina $35,000.00