Grants Library

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation supports vital conservation projects across the United States and its territories. Please search our grants library for additional information on individual grants.

Year Name Organization Location Award Amount
1998 Wildlife Corridor Mapping Vermont Institute of Natural Science, Inc. Taconic Hills, Vermont, New York, and Massachusettes $9,435.53
1998 Exotic Mammal Removal on Baja Islands Island Conservation Baja California Sur, Mexico $40,000.00
1998 Upper Black River (MI) Restoration U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Region 3 Montmorency County, northern Michigan $21,940.00
1998 Pinyon/Juniper Treatment in New Mexico USDA-Forest Service, Lincoln National Forest Southern New Mexico $14,674.00
1998 Crown Tool Tract (CT) Acquisition Shelton Land Conservation Trust, Inc. Fairfield County, southwestern Connecticut $23,000.00
1998 Blanca Wetlands Restoration (CO) - II Bureau of Land Management San Luis Resource Area, south-central Colorado $40,000.00
1998 San Juan Basin (NM) Invasive Weed Control Bureau of Land Management San Juan Basin area, New Mexico and Colorado $104,400.00
1998 Texas Wetlands Restoration Coastal Prairie Conservancy Four sites near Katy, Port Lavaca, and Anahuac, Texas $20,000.00
1998 South Dakota Weed Control Harding County Harding and Butte counties, South Dakota $24,771.00
1998 OWL Outreach and Development Project Okefenokee Wildlife League Folkston, southern Georgia, Okefenokee NWR $5,000.00