Grants Library

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation supports vital conservation projects across the United States and its territories. Please search our grants library for additional information on individual grants.

Year Name Organization Location Award Amount
1998 Education for Sustainability Initiative Second Nature Nationwide $90,000.00
1998 Alta Verapaz Bird Habitat Conservation BIDAS/Proyecto Ecologico Quetzal Central Highlands, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala $39,000.00
1998 Outreach and Membership Initiative Friends of Crystal River National Wildlife Refuge Complex, Inc. Crystal River, Florida $4,212.00
1998 Coos Bay Watershed Restoration - II (OR) Coos Watershed Association Southwestern Oregon $75,000.00
1998 Bridger-Teton (WY) Bear Conservation USDA-Forest Service - Bridger-Teton National Forest Western Wyoming $23,657.00
1998 Policy Dialogue for Habitat Conservation Meridian Institute Nationwide $11,000.00
1998 LBJ (TX) Grassland Improvement USDA-Forest Service, LBJ National Forest Caddo/LBJ National Grasslands, north central Texas $10,000.00
1998 Florida Seagrass Restoration University of South Florida Tampa Bay, Florida $49,100.00
1998 Colombia Shade Coffee Extension CENICAFE Cauca Valley, Central Colombia $33,606.00
1998 Tishomingo NWR (OK) Newsletter Development Friends of the Refuge South-central Oklahoma, Tishomingo NWR $900.00