Grants Library

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation supports vital conservation projects across the United States and its territories. Please search our grants library for additional information on individual grants.

Year Name Organization Location Award Amount
1997 Iowa Prairie and Wetlands Conservation Pheasants Forever, Inc. Iowa $100,000.00
1997 Fragmentation in Pacific Northwest Forests Sustainable Ecosystems Institute Donnelly and Bovil, Idaho; Plains, Montana $71,470.00
1997 Mississippi River Habitat Restoration American Rivers, Inc. Upper Mississippi River $16,400.00
1997 Coral Reef Assessment in Western Pacific Dr. Alison Green Coral reefs in the Western Pacific $30,020.00
1997 Cambodia Tiger Conservation World Wildlife Fund, Inc. Northeastern Cambodia $30,000.00
1997 Arctic Grayling Recovery-IV U.S. Forest Service Southwestern Montana and northwestern Wyoming $32,762.00
1997 Education and Community Outreach (OR) Applegate River Watershed Council Josephine and Jackson counties, southwestern Oregon $8,675.00
1997 Taking Flight-Expanding Partners in Flight American Bird Conservancy Nationwide $75,000.00
1997 Serpentine Wetlands Conservation Bureau of Land Management Josephine and Curry counties, OR; Del Norte County, CA $30,000.00
1997 Dutchman's Peak (OR) Raptor Monitoring HawkWatch International Rogue River National Forest, southwestern Oregon $3,180.00