Grants Library

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation supports vital conservation projects across the United States and its territories. Please search our grants library for additional information on individual grants.

Year Name Organization Location Award Amount
1994 Adopt-A-Watershed Project (CA) Adopt-A-Watershed, Inc. California $99,000.00
1994 Whole Ecosystems In Balance (WEB) Blue Mountains Natural Resources Institute La Grande, Oregon $16,880.00
1994 Grizzly Population Viability Analysis University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point Wisconsin and Northern Rocky Mountains $27,500.00
1994 Yellowstone Wolf Release and Monitoring National Park Service Yellowstone National Park, northwest Wyoming $40,222.44
1994 Science of the Sound Prince William Sound Science Center and Technology Institute Cordova, Alaska $6,153.00
1994 Guatemala Neotropical Bird Conservation The Peregrine Fund, Inc. Tikal, Maya Biosphere Reserve, Guatemala $47,530.00
1994 Partners for Wildlife: Colorado U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Region 6 Colorado $100,000.00
1994 Chukchi/Bering Sea Polar Bear Conservation Inuit Circumpolar Conference Alaska, Russia $14,032.00
1994 Conservation Action Directories Tides Foundation National $40,000.00
1994 Chuck Yeager Award, 1994-I Orri Vigfusson North Atlantic $15,000.00