Grants Library

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation supports vital conservation projects across the United States and its territories. Please search our grants library for additional information on individual grants.

Year Name Organization Location Award Amount
1994 Oregon Water Conservation WaterWatch of Oregon, Inc. Oregon $8,275.00
1994 Right Whale Habitat Use-I Center for Coastal Studies, Inc. Coastal Massachusetts $25,000.00
1994 Forestry BMP Landowner Education American Forest Foundation Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama, and Florida $5,000.00
1994 Flower Garden Banks Reef Censusing Gulf Reef Environmental Action Team Coastal Texas $10,550.00
1994 Tanks to Reefs Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Coastal Alabama $9,770.00
1994 Currant/Sage Creek (WY) Demonstration-III Bureau of Land Management - Rock Springs Field Office Green River Resource Area, Sweetwater County, Wyoming $4,286.00
1994 HBCU Environmental Literacy Second Nature Thirteen states $100,000.00
1994 Breeding Bird Atlas: Colorado Colorado Bird Atlas Partnership Colorado $25,000.00
1994 Caribbean Ornithology Workshops-III Society of Caribbean Ornithology West Indies $13,244.00
1994 Alabama Waterfowl and Wetlands Alabama Waterfowl Association, Inc. Northeast Alabama $17,500.00