Grants Library
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation supports vital conservation projects across the United States and its territories. Please search our grants library for additional information on individual grants.
Year | Name | Organization | Location | Award Amount |
1993 | Bird Monitoring on the Potomac-II | Institute for Bird Populations | Maryland, Virginia | $21,755.00 |
1993 | Gulf of Maine Fisheries Workshop | Manomet Observatory for Conservation Sciences | Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine | $2,800.00 |
1993 | Partners for Wildlife: Pennsylvania-I | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Region 5 | Northeastern Pennsylvania | $14,991.00 |
1993 | Hawaii Education Challenge-II | The Nature Conservancy | Hawaii | $30,000.00 |
1993 | Breeding Bird Atlas: Arkansas | Arkansas Audubon Society | Arkansas | $20,000.00 |
1993 | Southwestern Riparian Revegetation Guide | Rincon Institute | Arizona, New Mexico | $7,000.00 |
1993 | Hatchie (TN) Bottomland Hardwoods | Chickasaw-Shiloh RC&W Council, Inc. | Western Tennessee | $66,094.00 |
1993 | National Science Fair Award-III | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Region 9 | Six U.S. states | $1,050.00 |
1993 | IUCN/SSC Bear Action Plan | Bear Specialist Group | North America, Europe, and Asia | $13,461.00 |
1993 | Kootenai River (MT) Protection | Cabinet Resource Group | Northwestern Montana, southeastern British Columbia | $10,598.00 |