Grants Library

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation supports vital conservation projects across the United States and its territories. Please search our grants library for additional information on individual grants.

Year Name Organization Location Award Amount
1993 Southwest Florida Greenways-I 1000 Friends of Florida Southwest Florida $60,000.00
1993 Migratory Birds of Isla Cozumel UNAM, Instituto de Biologia Quintana Roo, Mexico $10,000.00
1993 Grants Pass (OR) Irrigation Project WaterWatch of Oregon, Inc. Western Oregon $25,817.00
1993 South Fork Flathead Grizzly Study (MT)-II Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Northwest Montana $20,000.00
1993 Thetford Center Falls (VT) Protection Friends of the Ompompanoosuc Orange County, east-central Vermont $8,065.00
1993 Agave Plant Propagation CIATEJ, A.C. Nueva Leon, Coahuila, and San Luis Potosi, Mexico $10,000.00
1993 Bright Edge (UT) Biodiversity Campaign The Nature Conservancy Northeast Utah $50,000.00
1993 Real Estate Transaction Guide Land Trust Alliance/Trust for Public Land Nationwide $17,000.00
1993 Black-Footed Ferret Recovery-II U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 8 Western United States $10,000.00
1993 Breeding Bird Atlas: New Hampshire Audubon Society of New Hampshire New Hampshire $8,000.00