Grants Library

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation supports vital conservation projects across the United States and its territories. Please search our grants library for additional information on individual grants.

Year Name Organization Location Award Amount
1992 Idaho Migrant Bird Leaflet Idaho Department of Fish and Game Idaho $4,000.00
1992 California Ricelands & Wetlands The Nature Conservancy Sacramento Valley, California $30,000.00
1992 Business and Environment Casebook Management Institute for Environment and Business Nationwide $49,000.00
1992 Chesapeake Wonder of Wetlands Education Environmental Concern, Inc. Chespeake Bay Region $17,300.00
1992 Junior Duck Stamp-I U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Region 9 Five U.S. states $50,000.00
1992 Russian Bear Dog Shepherding U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Greater Yellowstone ecosystem $260.00
1992 Bird Monitoring on the Potomac-I Institute for Bird Populations Maryland, Virginia $21,275.00
1992 Book Cliffs (UT) Acquisition Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Northeast Utah $100,000.00
1992 Aqua Caliente Restoration-II USDA-Forest Service, Carson National Forest Carson National Forest $6,700.00
1992 Federal Cartridge: Wild Turkey Federation National Wild Turkey Federation, Inc. Nationwide $25,000.00