Grants Library

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation supports vital conservation projects across the United States and its territories. Please search our grants library for additional information on individual grants.

Year Name Organization Location Award Amount
1988 Yellowstone Mountain Lion Research-II Hornocker Wildlife Institute Yellowstone National Park $20,000.00
1988 Sturgeon Lake (OR) Challenge Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Northwest Oregon $76,210.00
1988 NAWMP 1st Step, Buffalo Lake, Alberta Alberta Forestry, Lands, & Wildlife Northwest Alberta, Canada $500,000.00
1988 New York Birds and Landscape Cornell University New York $30,000.00
1988 NAWMP 1st Step, Grove Pine, P.E.I. Canadian Wildlife Service Prince Edward Island, Canada $41,000.00
1988 Guy Bradley Award, 1988 Virginia Game and Inland Fish Department Virginia $1,000.00
1988 Totoaba Captive Breeding Centro Ecologico de Sonora Gulf of California, Mexico $12,000.00
1988 NAWMP 1st Step, Nicolette, Ontario Quebec Fish and Game Department Ontario, Canada $203,000.00
1988 Patapsco River (MD) Fisheries Restoration Maryland Department of Natural Resources Maryland $25,000.00
1988 African Elephant Conservation Grant World Wildlife Fund, Inc. Tanzania, Africa $100,000.00