Grants Library

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation supports vital conservation projects across the United States and its territories. Please search our grants library for additional information on individual grants.

Year Name Organization Location Award Amount
2019 Restoring Streamflow for Steelhead Trout in the Petaluma River Watershed (CA) Sonoma Resource Conservation District Petaluma River watershed in Sonoma County, California $51,889.83
2019 Testing Volatile Organic Compounds to Combat White-nose Syndrome at Black Diamond Tunnel in Georgia Kennesaw State University Research and Service Foundation Black Diamond Tunnel, Rabun County, Georgia, Sitton’s Cave, Dade County, Georgia, Osbourne Cave, Floyd County, Georgia, White River Cave, Polk County, Georgia and Ellison’s Cave, Walker County, Georgia $117,421.98
2019 Veterans Park Living Shoreline, Erosion Control and Habitat Restoration (FL) Okaloosa County Veteran's Park, Fort Walton Beach, Okaloosa County, Florida. $1,500,000.00
2019 South Fork Trinity River Flow Restoration (CA) Watershed Research and Training Center Big Creek, Tule Creek and Hayfork Creek; South Fork Trinity Watershed, Trinity County, California. $67,708.34
2019 Restoring, Reconnecting and Protecting Instream Flow in the Upper Clark Fork, Blackfoot Basins (MT) Trout Unlimited, Inc. Upper Clark Fork River Basin and Blackfoot River Subbasins, Montana $113,539.05
2019 Streambank Restoration on a Tributary to Kreutz Creek (PA) Hallam Borough Hallam Borough, York County, Pennsylvania $136,308.04
2019 Riparian Restoration on the Rio Hondo and Pecos River, Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge (NM) National Wildlife Refuge Association Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge in Chaves County, New Mexico $173,693.45
2019 Providing Technical Capacity and Improved Management on Private Lands in North Dakota North Dakota Grazing Lands Coalition Western North Dakota $250,000.00
2019 Providing Technical Assistance for Conservation Easements in Priority Grassland Habitat (SD) Pheasants Forever, Inc. West of the Missouri River in South Dakota $231,945.79
2019 Using Traditional and Modern Ecological Knowledge to Enhance Copper River Watershed Stewardship (AK) Copper River Watershed Project Copper River watershed, Alaska $5,442.59