Grants Library

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation supports vital conservation projects across the United States and its territories. Please search our grants library for additional information on individual grants.

Year Name Organization Location Award Amount
2018 Improving Coral Reef Restoration and Recruitment Using Native Herbivorous Crabs (FL) Old Dominion University Research Foundation Monroe County, Florida $66,476.84
2018 Improving Soil Health and Stream Health in the Red Clay and White Clay Creeks (PA) Stroud Water Research Center, INC Red Clay Creek, White Clay Creek; Hicks and Moore farmland $249,983.98
2018 Innovative Diversion Technology to Reduce Wastewater Nitrogen in the Long Island Sound Watershed (VT) Rich Earth Institute Five urine diversion replication sites around Windham County, Vermont including: Hermit Thrush Brewery, Camp Waubanong, Green Mountain Girls Camp, The Grammar School and One Connecticut River Watershed Village. $115,720.00
2018 Sound Discoveries – Education through Exploration (CT) Sea Research Foundation, Inc. Mystic Aquarium, Denison Pequotesepos Nature Center and Avalonia Land Conservancy, Mystic, Connecticut $8,626.41
2018 Piloting Kelp Mariculture in the Near-Shore Waters of Aleutians East Borough Communities (AK) Aleutians East Borough Aleutians East Borough, Alaska $37,475.53
2018 Stormwater Management Programs to Improve Water Quality in New Haven and Long Island Sound (CT) Neighborhood Housing Services of New Haven Newhallville neighborhood, New Haven, Connecticut $12,973.93
2018 Coho Habitat Restoration Design on French Creek (CA) Scott River Watershed Council French Creek, Scott River, Siskiyou County, California $81,298.56
2018 Developing technology for the live rockfish fishery to promote using underexploited stocks (CA) Monterey Bay Aquarium Monterey, Moss Landing and Santa Cruz, California. $69,033.01
2018 Conserving the Endangered Seabirds of Hono a Na Pali Natural Area Reserve, Kauai - III American Bird Conservancy Hanakapiai and Hanakoa Watersheds within the Hono O Na Pali Natural Area Reserve, Kauai, Hawaii $144,714.91
2018 Creating the first predator- free montane Hawaiian Petrel colony on Kauai Pacific Rim Conservation Hono O Na Pali Natural Area Reserve on Kauai, Hawaii $169,736.00