Grants Library

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation supports vital conservation projects across the United States and its territories. Please search our grants library for additional information on individual grants.

Year Name Organization Location Award Amount
2018 Restore Ecosystem Function and Community Resiliency in the Salt River Watershed (CA) Humboldt County Resource Conservation District Salt River watershed in Humboldt County, California $843,659.71
2018 Trail Reconstruction in Mt Waterman Ski Area in the Angeles National Forest (CA) Mount Wilson Bicycling Association Mt Waterman Ski Resort in the Angeles National Forest, California $13,997.00
2018 Improving Grazing Systems in West River Grasslands Pheasants Forever, Inc. The new position will be based in Faith, SD and will provide technical assistance to landowners in Corson, Dewey, Meade, Perkins and Ziebach counties in Western South Dakota. $115,859.56
2018 Freshwater Mussel Restoration in the Anacostia (DC) Department of Energy and Environment Kingman Lake, Watts Branch, and Nash Run, District of Columbia $200,000.00
2018 Identifying and Designing Restoration in Tier II Eastern Brook Trout Patches (PA) Tioga County Conservation District of Pennsylvania Tioga County, Pennsylvania; Babbs Creek Watershed and Tioga River Watershed $34,857.91
2018 Enhancing In-Stream Flow to French Creek (CA) Scott River Water Trust This project is located in multiple high priority reaches of French Creek and the mainstem Scott River. $348,137.15
2018 Planning and Implementation of a Living Shoreline at Bartram's Garden (PA) Partnership for the Delaware Estuary, Inc. Bartram’s Garden along the Schuylkill River in Philadelphia, Pennsyvania $114,814.90
2018 Naturalizing Detention Basins to Enhance Habitat and Water Quality in Hamilton Township, New Jersey Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Hamilton Township, Mercer County, New Jersey $99,293.78
2018 Fish Creek Fish Passage Restoration in Sequoia National Forest (CA) Plumas Corporation Sequoia National Forest, California $60,087.79
2018 Stream Restoration in the Cherry Valley National Wildlife Refuge – Blakeslee Property (PA) The Nature Conservancy Cherry Creek tributary to the Delaware River; Cherry Valley, Monroe County, Pennsylvania $167,515.86