Grants Library

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation supports vital conservation projects across the United States and its territories. Please search our grants library for additional information on individual grants.

Year Name Organization Location Award Amount
2023 Restoring Freshwater Mussel Communities in the West Branch Susquehanna River (PA) Western Pennsylvania Conservancy West Branch Susquehanna River watershed in Pennsylvania $411,508.32
2023 Installing Green Stormwater Infrastructure for Buffalo Parks (NY) City of Buffalo Sears Paderewski Park and Roosevelt Park, Buffalo, New York $416,400.00
2023 Community-Driven Site Assessment and Preliminary Design of Flood Buyout Lands (NY) Town of Olive 9 acres of vacated flood buyout land in the 100-year floodplain of the Esopus Creek, a tributary of the Hudson River, located in the small commercial center of the rural Hamlet of Boiceville, Town of Olive Ulster County, NY on NYS Route 28, the east-west highway linking I-87 to the Catskill Park. $290,765.00
2023 Improving Transportation Infrastructure to Protect Salmonid Habitat in Battle and Mill Creeks (CA) Sierra Institute for Community and Environment Lassen National Forest, California $168,314.65
2023 Restoring and Conserving Longleaf Pine Habitat in Coastal Mississippi Mississippi Land Trust Jackson County, Mississippi near Mississippi Sandhill Crane National Wildlife Refuge and Hancock and Pearl River Counties, Mississippi in Hickory Creek Corridor. $500,000.00
2023 Increasing Longleaf Pine Restoration on Private Lands in South Mississippi Land Trust for the Mississippi Coastal Plain Hancock, Harrison, Jackson, and Stone Counties located in South Mississippi. $350,000.00
2023 Planning and Design for the Fairmount Water Works Floating Water Workshop (PA) The Fund for the Water Works City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania $225,000.00
2023 Restoring Abandoned and Legacy Mine Lands for Wildlife Conservation (KY, TN) Cumberland River Compact, Inc. Abandoned and legacy mine lands in the Cumberland River Basin of Kentucky and Tennessee $221,999.93
2023 Stream Barrier Inventory to Restore Fish Passage from Westchester County to Long Island Sound (NY) Save the Sound, Inc. Eighty miles of streams along rivers and major tributaries of the Long Island Sound watershed in Westchester County, New York $456,571.17
2023 Advancing Oyster Restoration with Shellfish Growers in New England, Mid-Atlantic and West Coast (VA) The Nature Conservancy Newmarket, New Hampshire; Bourne, Edgartown, and Fairhaven, Massachusetts; Brookhaven, Oyster Bay, and Southampton, New York; Heislerville and Middletown, New Jersey; Chester and Claibourne, Maryland;Silverdale and Squaxin Island Reservation, Washington;Elkhorn and Inverness, California $2,999,514.19