Lesser yellowlegs

Sustain Our Great Lakes Program

Lesser yellowlegs

Sustain Our Great Lakes is a public–private partnership designed to sustain, restore and protect fish, wildlife and habitat in the basin by leveraging funding, building conservation capacity, and focusing partners and resources toward key ecological issues. The program achieves this mission, in part, by awarding grants for on-the-ground habitat restoration and enhancement.


The Great Lakes are among the most important natural resources in the world. With more than 20 percent of the earth’s surface fresh water, 10,000 miles of shoreline and 30,000 islands, they provide drinking water for tens of millions of people and habitat for a vast array of plants and wildlife, including more than 200 globally rare species.

The region’s immense network of coastal marshes, inland wetlands and forests provide critical ecological services, such as water filtration and storage, flood control, nutrient cycling and carbon storage. The Great Lakes also offer unmatched opportunities for shipping, industry, tourism and outdoor recreation that have fostered one of the largest economies in the world.

Despite these values, the Great Lakes have been significantly degraded by human activity during the past two centuries. Threats such as habitat loss and fragmentation, invasive species and pollution have impaired water quality, wildlife populations and quality of life in the basin.

Funding priorities for this program include:

  1. Habitat Restoration to Conserve Species and Improve Water Quality 
  2. Green Stormwater Infrastructure in Great Lakes Communities 
  3. Invasive Species Control to Protect and Enhance Restored Habitat  
  4. Activating Restored Habitats and Greenspace 
map of projects funded through the Sustain Our Great Lakes program

From 2006 to 2024, the program has awarded a total of $142.4 million to 529 grants. Grantees matches SOGL’s investment with an additional $180.9 million, bringing the total on-the-ground conservation impact to more than $323.3 million. Some of the important outcomes generated by this investment include over 2,630 miles of stream reconnected for fish access, 58,888 acres of wetland and associated upland habitat restored, and 389.7 million gallons of stormwater storage added.

NFWF administers the Sustain Our Great Lakes program in partnership with Cleveland-Cliffs, Caerus Foundation, Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Foundation, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the USDA Forest Service and USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. Significant program funding is provided by the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, a federal program designed to protect, restore, and enhance the Great Lakes ecosystem. 

Application Information

Metrics and Outcomes Guidance for Applicants View Now
Webinar Recording: FishWerks Guidance and Updates View Now
Program Fact Sheet Download the PDF
2024 Grant Slate Download the PDF
Great Lakes Business Plan Download the PDF
2023 Grant Slate Download the PDF
2022 Grant Slate Download the PDF
2022 Grant Slate - Wisconsin’s Lake Michigan Watershed Download the PDF
2021 Grant Slate Download the PDF
2021 Grant Slate - Wisconsin’s Lake Michigan Watershed Download the PDF
2020 Grant Slate Download the PDF
2020 Grant Slate - Wisconsin’s Lake Michigan Watershed Download the PDF
2019 Grant Slate Download the PDF
2018 Grant Slate Download the PDF
Sustain Our Great Lakes 10-Year Report Download the PDF
Sustain Our Great Lakes Evaluation Download the PDF
Staff Representatives

Program Director, Great Lakes

Senior Manager, Great Lakes Programs

Coordinator, Regional Programs