Fishery Improvement Partnership Fund
NFWF’s Fishery Improvement Partnership Fund is an investment model to help address overfishing, one of the biggest threats to the global seafood supply. The Fund, supported by the Walton Family Fund and Darden Restaurants, will leverage philanthropic, industry and government resources to help develop and advance Fishery Improvement Projects (FIPs) worldwide, with particular emphasis on fisheries that supply the US seafood market.Image
Fishing for Energy
The Fishing for Energy partnership provides commercial fishermen with no-cost solutions to dispose of derelict and retired fishing gear and offers competitive grants to reduce the impacts of derelict fishing gear on the environment. By helping prevent and remove derelict gear, Fishing for Energy restores the quality of marine and coastal habitats, and supports the communities and industries that rely on these resources.Image
Five Star and Urban Waters Restoration Grant Program
The Five Star and Urban Waters Restoration Program seeks to develop nationwide community stewardship of local natural resources, preserving these resources for future generations and enhancing habitat for local wildlife. Grants seek to address water quality issues in priority watersheds, such as erosion due to unstable streambanks, pollution from stormwater runoff, and degraded shorelines caused by development.Image
Forestland Stewards
Launched in 2013, the Forestland Stewards Partnership between International Paper and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) protects and enhances ecologically important forestlands and coastal savannas in ten southern states.Image
Greenpoint Community Environmental Fund
The Greenpoint Community Environmental Fund is designed to provide environmental improvements and address environmental areas of concern such as water quality, groundwater, open space, reduction of toxic pollution, and air quality in the Greenpoint, Brooklyn community.Image
Gulf Coast Conservation Grants Program
The Gulf Coast Conservation Grants Program will support conservation needs of the Gulf of Mexico through innovative restoration concepts and approaches, build capacity through strategic engagement of youth and veterans, and fund species and habitat projects.Image
Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund
In early 2013, a U.S. District Court approved two plea agreements resolving certain criminal cases against BP and Transocean which arose from the 2010 Deepwater Horizon explosion and oil spill. The agreements directed a total of $2.544 billion to NFWF to fund projects benefiting the natural resources of the Gulf Coast that were impacted by the spill.Image
Guy Bradley Award
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation's Guy Bradley Award, presented annually, recognizes individuals for achievements in wildlife law enforcement.Image
Hawai‘i Conservation Program
The National Fish and Wildlife Fund’s Hawai‘i Conservation Program aims to strategically protect and enhance essential habitats in Hawai‘i, from mauka to makai (from the mountains to the ocean), to reduce extinction risk and sustain resilient populations of native species.Image
Hurricane Response Marine Debris Removal Fund
The Hurricane Response Marine Debris Removal Fund is a partnership between NFWF and the NOAA Marine Debris Program that awards grants to assess, remove and dispose of marine debris caused by severe storms. Grants are awarded based on the targeted debris’ existing or potential impact to coastal communities and resources, and to prevent further harm to sensitive marine habitats and species listed under the Endangered Species Act.Image