Corporate Partners
BNSF Railway
BNSF Railway supports programs in Chicago, the Northern Rockies and Pacific Coast cities to conserve wildlife and their habitats, improve water quality for residents, and link human communities with the benefits of natural resource stewardship.Image
Federal & State Partners
Department of the Interior
In FY 2013, NFWF was selected by the Department of the Interior (DOI) to administer the $100 million Hurricane Sandy Coastal Resiliency Competitive Grant Program.Image
State and Local
Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board
Federal & State Partners
Department of Defense
The Department of Defense partners with NFWF to restore longleaf pine ecosystems in the southeastern United States and improves the resilience of coastal military communities through the installation of natural infrastructure.Image
Foundation Partners
Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation
The Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation supports NFWF’s Colorado River Delta Restoration Fund and other Raise the River partner organizations.Image
Corporate Partners
Bayer Crop Science
Bayer Crop Science is partnering with NFWF, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and others to support work under the Monarch Butterfly and Pollinators Conservation Fund.Image
Corporate Partners
SeaWorld supports the Killer Whale Conservation Program as it works to recover the Southern Resident killer whale population in the Pacific Northwest.Image
LEED Habitat Conservation Program
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Foundation Partners
Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies
Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies supports the Northern Great Plains Program, which directly maintains or improves 1 million acres of interconnected, native grasslands in focal areas within the Northern Great Plains to sustain healthy populations of grassland-obligate species while fostering sustainable livelihoods and preserving cultural identities.Image