Halliburton Announces $55 Million Contribution to NFWF
Protecting wildlife migration routes
The yearly migrations of wildlife across our nation’s vast landscapes represent a fundamental and fascinating part of American life.
NOAA and NFWF: 20 years for coral
Of all our nation’s many natural wonders, coral reefs might be the most alluring.
10 years after the Gulf oil spill
On April 20, 2010, the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded in the Gulf of Mexico, claiming 11 lives and unleashing the largest oil spill in the history of the
Remedying harm
The consumer goods we buy, the dwellings we inhabit, the energy we use, the food we eat — virtually everything we do has some impact on our natural environme
Working with the private sector
Driving success with long-term partners
Some of our longest-running and most successful conservation partnerships began with a regional focus, 
Financial Summary
Corporate Partners
NFWF collaborates with many of America’s leading corporations to implement philanthropic conservation strategies and invest in conservation projects&nbs