Grants Library

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation supports vital conservation projects across the United States and its territories. Please search our grants library for additional information on individual grants.

Year Name Organization Location Award Amount
1992 Bruneau River Restoration-II Bureau of Land Management, Elko District Elko County, northeast Nevada $10,000.00
1992 New England Groundfish Ecology Island Institute Coastal New England $59,852.00
1992 Migrant Bird Breeding Factors-I Indiana University South-central Indiana $34,857.00
1992 Federal Cartridge: Pheasants Forever Pheasants Forever, Inc. Northern Plains States $25,000.00
1992 Montana Gap Analysis Mapping Montana Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit Montana $59,963.00
1992 Arctic Grayling Recovery-I Arctic Grayling Recovery Program southwestern Montana $21,000.00
1992 Endangered Species Act Compendium World Wildlife Fund, Inc. National $5,000.00
1992 ACE Basin (SC) Coastal America Protection South Carolina Wildlife and Marine Resources Coastal South Carolina $24,500.00
1992 Connecticut River Stewardship Quebec-Labrador Foundation Connecticut River Watershed $50,000.00
1992 High Island (TX) Acquisition Houston Audubon Society Coastal Texas $63,125.00