Grants Library

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation supports vital conservation projects across the United States and its territories. Please search our grants library for additional information on individual grants.

Year Name Organization Location Award Amount
1991 Pacific Fish Habitat Education-I Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission California, Oregon, Washington $50,000.00
1991 Fishing Access Video Catskill Fly Fishing Center New York $7,500.00
1991 Copper River (AK) Shorebird Studies USDA-Forest Service, Copper River Delta Institute Pacific Flyway $22,500.00
1991 West Indies Bird Guide U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Region 9 West Indies, Caribbean $25,000.00
1991 Wings Over the Platte Celebration, 1992 Grand Island Visitors Bureau Grand Island, Nebraska $4,000.00
1991 Siberian Tiger Research-I Hornocker Wildlife Institute Siberia $50,000.00
1991 Migratory Bird Habitat in Costa Rica Organization for Tropical Studies Latin America $89,323.00
1991 Parrott Ranch Challenge - II The Nature Conservancy Central Valley, California $500,000.00
1991 DU Print Match, Derber Marsh (WI) Ducks Unlimited, Inc. Central Wisconsin $100,000.00
1991 Cowbird Parasitism Study University of Central Oklahoma North America $11,248.00