Grants Library
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation supports vital conservation projects across the United States and its territories. Please search our grants library for additional information on individual grants.
Year | Name | Organization | Location | Award Amount |
2022 | Charlestown Water Quality Retrofits and Stream Restoration (MD) | Town of Charlestown, MD | Town of Charlestown, Cecil County, Maryland | $74,480.00 |
2022 | Building Capacity for Coral Reef Restoration and Monitoring in Culebra (PR) | Protectores de Cuencas, Inc. | Almodóvar, Puerto Manglar, and Coronel watersheds, Culebra Island, Puerto Rico | $175,730.17 |
2022 | Establishing Water Quality Targets for Nutrient Inputs to Coral Reefs in West Maui (HI) | University of Hawaii | Kahekili Herbivore Fisheries Management Area, Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii | $176,815.00 |
2022 | Reducing Marine Debris by Removing Derelict Lobster Gear from Long Island Sound-II (CT, NY) | Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County | Marine waters of Long Island Sound in Connecticut and New York | $106,902.22 |
2022 | Wenatchee Subbasin Instream Flow Improvement Project (WA) | Chelan County Natural Resource Department | Wenatchee Subasin, Washington. | $121,895.83 |
2022 | Deschutes Basin Streamflow Restoration (OR) | Deschutes River Conservancy | Tumalo Creek, Whychus Creek, the Little Deschutes River, the lower Crooked River, McKay Creek, Ochoco Creek and Trout Creek, Deschutes River Basin, Oregon. | $880,737.72 |
2022 | Permanently Protecting Migratory Bird Stopover Habitat along the Weber River in Summit County (UT) | Summit Land Conservancy | The Marchant Property located on the Weber River in Peoa, Summit County, Utah | $150,000.00 |
2022 | Conducting Site Assessments and Planning to Address Recurring Coastal Flooding (HI) | Maui Nui Marine Resource Council | Kihei, Maui, Hawaii | $210,000.00 |
2022 | Constructing a Living Shoreline for West Bay Sanitary Disitrict (CA) | West Bay Sanitary District | Menlo Park, California | $4,884,112.00 |
2022 | Implementing Forest Practices that Create Habitat Structure for Wildlife and Sustain Forest Health (PA) | American Bird Conservancy | Pennsylvania Wilds, Centre, Clinton, Lycoming, Cameron, Elk, and Clearfield Counties, Pennsylvania. | $200,000.00 |