Grants Library

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation supports vital conservation projects across the United States and its territories. Please search our grants library for additional information on individual grants.

Year Name Organization Location Award Amount
2022 Coastal Resilience and Sustainability Plan for the Mystic Waterfront (CT) Town of Groton Town of Groton, Connecticut $90,000.00
2022 Real-Time Instream Flow Assesment of Transactions (OR) Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Lostine River, Catherine Creek, Walla Walla River, and Whychus Creek, Oregon. $106,791.27
2022 Strengthening Coastal Communities Resilience in the Great Lakes Region Association of State Floodplain Managers Coastal shoreline counties of the Great Lakes Region. $260,851.23
2022 Designing Oyster Reef Restoration Sites on City Island and Long Island Sound (NY) City Island Oyster Reef City Island, Bronx, New York $263,750.02
2022 Restoring Riparian Habitat and Improving Public Access to Thorn Creek Tributary (IL) Friends of the Chicago River Thorn Creek Tributary in Sweet Woods Forest Preserve, Glenwood, Illinois $278,301.72
2022 Protecting and Monitoring the Townsend’s Shearwater on the Revillagigedo Archipelago, Mexico - III Grupo de Ecologia y Conservacion de Islas, A.C. Socorro Island, Clarión Island, and San Benedicto Island of the Revillagigedo Archipelago, Mexico $450,000.00
2022 Designing a Big Quilcene River Restoration on the Lower One Mile (WA) Hood Canal Salmon Enhancement Group Big Quilcene River, Washington $572,500.00
2022 Protecting Critical Habitat and Water Quality through Grazing Management Plans (FL) The Trust for Tomorrow Florida NRCS Administrative Areas 1 and 2 within northern Florida from the panhandle east to the Atlantic Coast. $681,110.12
2022 Restoring Pacific Salmon Coastline Habitat through Community Kelp Farms (AK) Native Conservancy Kodiak Archipelago, Southcentral and Southeast, Alaska. $159,763.82
2022 Coordinating Cover Crop Adoption and Peer Networks to Conserve Natural Resources in Kansas The Kansas Association of Conservation Districts This will be a statewide project. $566,500.00