Grants Library

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation supports vital conservation projects across the United States and its territories. Please search our grants library for additional information on individual grants.

Year Name Organization Location Award Amount
2018 Barrier Removal in the North Creek Basin to Restore Fish Passage (OR) MidCoast Watersheds Council The road-stream crossing is located on Forest Road 1790 on North Creek, a tributary to Drift Creek and the Siletz Bay in Lincoln County, OR. The property is owned by the US Forest Service, Hebo Ranger District. $49,999.97
2018 Validating For-Hire Vessel Trip Reports with Electronic Monitoring in New England The Nature Conservancy Gulf of Maine and Southern New England $75,513.43
2018 Cheatgrass Removal from Sagebrush Habitat in Sublette County, Wyoming Sublette County Weed and Pest District Wind River Mountain Range, Wyoming $74,998.20
2018 Strengthen Resilience from Extreme Weather through Ecological Restoration of Sand Dunes (PR) University of Puerto Rico at Aguadilla Aguada, Isabela, Camuy, Hatillo, Arecibo, Manatí, Dorado, Carolina, San Juan, Loiza and Luquillo municipalities on the north coast of Puerto Rico $492,571.10
2018 Planning Ecologically Beneficial And Resilient Infrastructure at the Mouth of the Maurice River (NJ) American Littoral Society Delaware Bay shoreline in Cubmerland County, New Jersey $250,000.00
2018 Restore Chinook Salmon Rearing Habitat and Passage within Ovenell Slough (WA) Skagit County Public Works Skagit River, Washington $141,773.65
2018 Diffusing Technical Assistance Through Targeted Outreach Iowa Soybean Association North Raccoon River Watershed (HUC-8 ID: 07100006) $299,430.13
2018 Overcoming Obstacles III: Creating and enhancing Golden-winged Warbler, Northern Bobwhite and American Black Duck Habitat in New Jersey New Jersey Audubon Society Forest, wetland & riparian areas in Sussex, Warren, Morris, Passaic, & Bergen Counties where American Black Duck and Golden-winged Warblers occur. Pine forest and pine savanna areas in Ocean, Burlington, Atlantic, Camden, Gloucester, Salem & Cumberland Counties where Bobwhite do or could occur. $210,974.74
2018 Keeping Livestock on the Prairies through Diversified Agriculture Ducks Unlimited, Inc. The project area includes the Missouri Coteau and Drift Prairie of North Dakota, where grasslands and row crop agriculture exist yet mixed operations are still common. The entire project area is within the Prairie Pothole Region, one of the most unique and important landscapes in North America. $274,159.88
2018 Agronomical Technical Assistance for Conservation and Profit in the Cedar and Root River Watersheds (MN) Mower Soil and Water Conservation District The project is located within the Minnesota Boundary of the Cedar and Root River Watersheds. Located in Southeast Minnesota, the watersheds are are part of the headwaters of two streams that flow to the Mississippi River. The project area is located on on the Iowa Border. $258,739.31